Wednesday, February 25, 2015

when i was accused of being someone i am not...

it has been a few years, and it makes me sad to write about this now. for the last few years, i have been busy with a lot of things: baking stuff, work, health, work again, and then this.

i have learned not to get involved with other people after all the things i have been through. but as i grew closer to God, i realized i needed to forgive those people who have done me wrong but primarily forgive myself for allowing those people to hurt me.

at the moment, there is this person whom i seriously thought to be my friend. itago na lang natin sya sa pangalang Nugget Sushi. just a short background, i have only known this person for a while and of course, being "me" i don't say much about a lot of information about myself. this person would always insist that i share stuff about me, but i didn't. but then eventually, i have grown fond of this person that i have considered this person as someone who is dear to me.

and then something happened...

this person professed feelings towards me, which i have already felt uncomfortable with. i mean, that should not have happened, but it did.

several moments after, it's like the story has changed, like, it was misunderstood or something. that everything that had happened was interpreted differently when in fact it happened like it did.

out of respect to Nugget Sushi, as a person, i have chosen not to post any of our conversation (which is so unlike me)...

please don't get me wrong. i love my lesbian friends, but it doesn't necessary follow i am like them. i respect them and their choices. just because i chose to stay single, it could already be equated to me being lesbian. God wanted to focus on Him and not focus on anything or anyone else. when we take our eyes off of Him, He could easily take away whatever we are focused on. my God is a jealous yet loving God. He doesn't want me to get hurt.